A Walk To Remember – Alternate Ending .

A Walk to Remember is a beautiful novel that tells a heart-warming tale of Landon and Jamie written in a simple and direct style, one that could easily be called clichéd if it were not covered by its apparent innocence and lack of ingenuity. The novel is candid about its objectives: It is a work of nostalgia, an appeal to an older time when decency, respect and honour were commonplace in small-town America. However, the ending, being a sad one, may not appeal to a lot of readers.

Although many people may classify A Walk to Remember as a love story, it is, in fact, a classic coming-of-age novel, a genre in which the protagonist undergoes tremendous growth after experiencing either a great adventure or some inner turmoil. In the case of Landon Carter, there is no great adventure — after all; this is not a character that sets out to slay a dragon in order to rescue the princess. But there is great inner turmoil in Landon’s life because Jamie Sullivan acts as a mirror in which Landon sees his own behaviours, values, and patterns for the first time and is deeply dismayed by

the images he sees.

Jamie inspires him to be a better person and directs him on the path of his true ambitions. Ultimately Landon is forced — not by Jamie, but by his own self-awareness and the stark reality of who he is (or is not) — to change his behaviours. Jamie models behaviours that Landon has rarely seen modelled in his immediate circle; in fact, he was unaware that people possessed the sort of qualities he finds in Jamie. Once he discovers these qualities, he aspires to them. Little by little, he grows into a new person, shedding his immature, selfish ways and growing into a kind, gentle, selfless young man.

When it is discovered that she has only a few days to live, it is a shock to both Landon and the readers. Death has never appealed to anyone as a reader. If there was an alternate ending, it could be something like this:

After Jamie tells Landon about her illness, Landon is devastated and yet he prays for a miracle to take place and save Jamie’s life. He prays daily reading Jamie’s bible, and looks after Jamie. Jamie’s disease is a rare form with no cure, and she has only a few months to live unless a miracle occurs. God doesn’t always wrong the ones who are innocent. With so many people praying for her to recover, miraculously, Jamie starts getting better and slowly recovers from her illness. Landon’s prayers have been answered. This symbolises hope and how hope is sometimes the only thing that can make a miracle happen. Although the ending is unclear as to whether the miracle took place or not, this is what the actual ending is stripped off: hope.

The last chapter ends with Jamie getting back to good health and both of them are preparing to get into college together. Landon and his father are now on good terms and everything starts falling into place. Later on, Jamie and Landon do get married just the way Jamie had dreamt of. Dressed in her white angel dress from the Christmas play and surrounded by a church full of people they get married. Her walk down the aisle, being the walk to remember forever.

When 57-year old Landon looks back at the 40 years gone by, he remembers all the years he has spent happily with Jamie and how much he owes it to that one miracle that saved her. He looks at his wedding ring standing near the same Baptist church and reflects upon the events that have transpired in all those years. He goes home to Jamie and their kids who have now grown up. They still look up at stars through the telescope and read the Bible together.

It is undoubtedly one of Sparks’ remarkable pieces of writing. But an ending that has hope in the end is always better that has none. Landon and Jamie grow old together and have a life that they always dreamt of having. That is the ending that encourages hope. Like it is told in the prologue, the story is both sad and joyful. The alternate ending ends on a happier note leaving the reader satisfied.

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