6 types of parents you know

  1. THE NEGOTIATORS- these are those kind of parents who negotiate about everything,especially when it comes to the kids, who’s turn to wash the dishes, who’s turn for the car pool. They bascically have a deal already and they stick to it , but sometimes they negotiate to get more out of it. smart han ? 😉
  2. THE OBSESSED ONES- these are those kind of parents ,who love their kids way too much , more like they are obsessed with them, they want to know each and everything about what goes in and around their kids life , about their friends, the people they seeing, their homework, their other stuff, everything. clingy eh ?
    lucky day :P

  3. THE COOL ONES- this category fits for the parents who are really calm and composed and chilled out about everything. like really everything. they don’t mind their kids going out and partying or dating somebody, they’re really cool about everything.images (1)
  4. THE MAESTRO ONES- they are the kind of parents who are perfect, they have a fixed time for everything , what time to get up, to eat,exercise, work and etc. they’ve been bought up this way and they always try to pass on the same thing to their kids.
  5. THE PERFECT DUOS- as the name says it all, the parents who work together , share their work and perfectly balance their and their’s kids life , fall under the perfect duo’s category, they’re the awesomest parents ever, a mixture of everything,all of the above types. thus,perfect.Modern_Family_Season_5
  6. THE STRICT ONES-  the type of parents who don’t really let their kids do what they want but instead want them to always follow their rules and regulations are the strict ones. they have certain rules in their house and always expect their kids to abide by them, they’re not really up for their kids doing crazy stuff, just for fun though7fe2dda06b1638942f7b0f794863ccc3.

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